Love Stinks

About Last Night

What is the definition of romantic comedy? According to most film historians, a romantic comedy is a comedic film with a romantic element. Though I am sure we have all seen enough “chick-flicks” (I know you have watched a few as well guys) to have your own definition of romantic comedy. The sub-genre has been ‘alive’ for a little over 80 years, so these films have become a little too cookie-cutter and unfortunately have become tedious. So I wasn’t at all surprised when Screen Gems decided to try and remake a romantic comedy from 1986, About Last Night.

This synopsis is going to be short and sweet. As mentioned above, romantic comedies have all become the same; so there isn’t really anything else I can say to spice this up. The story centers on Danny (Michael Ealy Think Like A Man) and Debbie (Joy Bryant TV’s Parenthood) and their ups and downs of their relationship. Used as a side plot are the ups and downs of Bernie (Kevin Hart Ride Along) and Joan (Regina Hall Scary Movie), friends of Danny and Debbie.

Pros: The story is about as realistic as you will find in a romantic comedy. No zany antics, no guy trying to deny his true feelings for the main actress. Just a straight forward story for the main characters.  Kevin Hart and Regina Hall brings the laughs to the movie. Even though they are supporting characters, they steal the movie. Every scene they are in (together or separate), they bring a little more energy to the scene.
Director Steve Pink (Hot Tube Time Machine) does a good job setting the light-hearted tone. Pink achieves this by the sporadic comedic scenes with Hart and Hall.

Cons: The two leading actors are very bland. Some scenes show their emotions well, but for the most part they as individuals and as a couple are quite dull. Because of this, I spent most of the film just waiting for Kevin Hart and Regina Hall to come back on screen.

With a romantic start, the sparkle of this film fizzles really quickly and only brightens a tad when Hart and/or Hall are on screen. If you happen to be fans of afore mentioned actors then this is a good outing for both.

The Verdict: Watch On Cable.


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