First of many...

I think I am going to begin this little adventure with a rant…

Since Christmas has come and gone, another year is coming to a close. I have to just stop and think about the films that have come this year and how much Hollywood is gone down the toilet. I apologize to all of the Hollywood faithful, but let us be honest with each other for the moment. Hollywood and the quality of films that we are subjected to the last… 5 years have been lacking and I’m not really sure we as a society have really helped the situation out any.  We have become a people that will replace quality with quantity.  Let me explain…

Top 10 Grossing Movies of 2013 are as follows

·         Iron Man 3
·         The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
·         Despicable Me 2
·         Man of Steel
·         Monsters University
·         Gravity
·         Fast & Furious 6
·         Oz the Great and Powerful
·         Star Trek Into Darkness
·         Frozen
Now please look at this list and ask yourself a very important question… how many of these movies are original? Or even better, how many of these movies are not FX overloaded? Six of these films are also sequels.

Now I would also like to say in the same breath that a couple of these movies were actually worth the money I spent, however the one real original movie on this list I wonder how many of you have actually heard of or know what it’s about. 

I understand that most of these movies were summer blockbusters as well, but come on… shouldn’t we ask for more meaningful films during the summer as well? Also do we really need these many sequels?
 I remember when sequels came almost 5 or 7 years later. Heck, 9 years in the case of Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, but I think we would have waiting longer for a better Indy film than the latter piece of trash.  I can’t stand sequels anymore! It seems that Hollywood is spitting out sequels just to make them. Grown Ups 2? Did we, the human race, really need this? NO! J.J… all I have to say to you is you better do a WAY better job with Episode VII than you did with Star Trek Into Darkness.  If I had it my way, we would have stopped with The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift.

And while I am thinking of it, has anyone else noticed the rash of copycat movies? Olympus Has Fallen, White House Down… was anyone else expecting a “Yippee-Kai-Yay Mother F***er!”?

Please Hollywood, bring back the originality. No more of the “been there done that.”


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