Beginning of the End?

For most of my life I have been drawn to the art of film making and everything that it entails. When I was younger I would relish in the chance to be transported to another world and/or time. From a galaxy far, far away to a time of kings and castles, there was no other activity I would have rather been doing than watching movies.
However, as time went by I started to realize that like my mind, my taste in movies started to mature. The chance to be transported anywhere was starting to become a little more difficult than I would have liked. I started to realize that I was developing a more critical mind when it came to my “vehicles of transportation.”
This is where this blog comes into play. I want to share my opinions with my fellow movie watchers, maybe educate you on movies that maybe you missed or never even heard of. Hopefully this will help you decide on that certain movie that you were on the fence on or even help you with that hours’ long struggle of what to pick for movie night (trust me I have been there).  
This isn’t going to be a normal rating system either; I’m just going to suggest one of the following:
  • ·         See it in the theatre
  • ·         Wait for Blu-Ray
  • ·         If it is the only thing on TV.

Because let’s face it, this is really the only thing that I have ever really wanted to hear from a critic. Yeah I enjoy hearing the good things about the movie, what actors maybe should have been replaced, etc. But seriously, what is the number or star system for? The past movies that I suggest, obviously, will only be on Blu-Ray or TV, so with that I will just advise to watch it or not worth your time.

I thank you in advance for trying out my Diary and I hope that you keep up with me. 


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