Trying To Belong


Almost 20 years ago (Oh my gosh yes, it has been that long) British author, J.K Rowling, published a young adult novel that seemed to capture the imaginations of children and adults alike. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone proved that even Young Adult books can be profitable in print and on screen. Film studios follow the trend by purchasing rights to other YA books such as The Hunger Games and the Percy Jackson series. In 2014, Summit Entertainment tapped Veronica Roth and her trilogy of dystopian books starting with Divergent.

Post war Chicago has been split into five different ‘factions’ to help stabilize society and prevent another war. When boys and girls turn 16, they are given an aptitude test to see what faction they will belong to. Among the 16 year old girls, Beatrice Prior fears she will not fit in anywhere. Beatrice’s fears are confirmed when she is told she is divergent (meaning she isn’t apt for any faction and not susceptible to suggestions). This is bad for Beatrice and she decides on the warrior faction in hopes to become brave. Now hiding among warriors, Beatrice must keep her secret because if not, Beatrice will end up dead.

Let me start off by saying this isn’t a bad movie. It is well acted and the action scenes are pretty good for a film geared toward younger audience members. I just got lost in what the movie was really about. Maybe because I didn’t read the novels, I was just confused for more than half of the film. This film is definitely for fans of the books. The reason for the war is never explained and the importance of the factions is brushed over very quickly. Also the reasons of why being a Divergent is a bad thing is not really explained till the end. Beatrice spends most of the movie trying to fit into her new faction that her being Divergent is almost lost. It was also hard not to see the likenesses of The Hunger Games and even Harry Potter.

Shailene Woodley is becoming a very diverse actress (pun not intended). With a broad collection of performances, such as The Fault in Our Stars and now this action film, Woodley is going to be a force to reckon with in Hollywood very soon. Woodley does a great job showing Beatrice’s progression from timid 16 year old to confidant warrior. Theo James (TV’s very short lived Golden Boy) plays the love interest, Four. Four is Beatrice’s teacher in her new faction. James, for most of the film, does is best Edward (Twilight character) impression and broods and sulks. Only when the film moves closer to the climax, James projects his passion and courage very well.

Summit Entertainment chose Neil Burger to helm this actioner. Burger, known for his thrillers like The Illusionist and Limitless, was a good choice to give a little edge to the tone of the film. Burger also does a good job using different colors to help signify each faction. For example, blacks and reds are used for the warriors giving them a more ominous feel, where blues are used for the Erudite (The Intelligent) to show a more business –like look.

As said before, I did like most of the movie. I just wanted it explained a little more. It is one of those films of novels that gets you to read the books. Maybe the novel will explain things a little more. So I recommend the film for those of you looking to watch a good action/sci-fi movie to watch with the kids.

The Verdict: Watch On Blu-Ray


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