Suicide Squad
Since 2008 audiences around the world have been graced with
the presence of the Marvel Cinematic
Universe. Making films that center around ‘Earth’s Mightiest Heroes’ with
every film having some sort of connection with others in the MCU. To me this is
brilliant because it has connects to each of the films like the comic books do.
As I said, this has been going on since 2008 and the MCU is now 13 films rich
and have garnered vast amounts of money and success. What has DC Comics done to answer to this? Absolutely
nothing until 2013 when at San Diego
Comic-Con International director Zack
Snyder (Batman v Superman: Dawn of
Justice) announce that Warner Bros.
Pictures and DC have agreed to start their own cinematic universe, starting
with BvS. The slate that Snyder gave
hungry DC fans at Comic-Con included solo movies of The Flash, Cyborg, and
even Aquaman. Though discreetly
tucked away on that list was one movie that excited fans just as much as any of
the other films, this year’s team-up film Suicide
The Story: After
the events of
Batman v Superman, our
United States government is looking for the MetaHuman answer. One government official,
Amanda Waller (
Viola Davis How to Get Away with
Murder), seems to have a solution…fight ‘fire’ with ‘fire’. Waller proposes
to build a team of her own MetaHumans. The catch is that her team is going to
be highly classified and made up of the world’s worst villains. Task Force X
will include the likes of
Deadshot (
Will Smith Concussion),
Harley Quinn
Margot Robbie Legend of Tarzan), and
Diablo (
Jay Hernandez Bad Moms). In exchange for their ‘help’,
each member of the “Suicide Squad” will have 10 years taken off their prison
sentences…that is if they make it out alive. For their first mission, the Squad
is sent to Midway City to stop an ancient deity that is hell-bent on punishing
the Earth for forgetting about her. Sounds fun right?
The Good: I am
one of the unlucky few that have not been invited to the pre-screenings of
movies like this to critique. So when I saw the rancid reviews of this film, I
lost all of my expectations when I finally got to see
Suicide Squad. So I don’t know if it was because my expectations
were lowered or that this film really wasn’t that bad, but I highly enjoyed
this movie. Admittedly there are a few problems with it, but this is a comic
book movie, through and through. Like
back in March, this film is more about the set up to other properties,
characters, and possible storylines. DC is in a rush to catch up to Marvel and
the only way to do that is by throwing fans into the ‘fray’ so to speak. This
film sets up fascinating characters like Waller, played beautifully by Davis,
and the
Joker, a creepy
Jared Leto (
Dallas Buyers Club). Leto delivers a very different look of the
Joker character and does a decent portrayal. Thought that Smith and Robbie was
also top notch as well. Smith walks a fine line with his character between the
balance of misunderstood and evil. However in the end this movie belongs to
Robbie. Margot Robbie has become the epitome of what fans of Harley Quinn’s
have grown to love. Robbie takes direct influence of Harley from the 1992
animated series, but is able to take the character a little further. If for
nothing else, watch this film because of her performance as Quinn.
The Bad: This
movie did have its problems starting with the plot. The story was dragged out
of a classic Squad arch in the comics, but in the beginning you think the team
is doing one thing, turns out they are doing something else, the have to turn
back to doing the first thing. The plot tries to be misleading, but just ends
up being annoying. If director
Ayer (
Fury) just kept with the
first point, the film would have been a little better. Secondly, I sadly have
to say that this film suffers from what every other comic book movie suffers
from when they try to introduce too many characters at once…some become
useless. As humorous as
Boomerang (
Jai Courtney Terminator Genisys) is, his character
does nothing to help move along the plot. That can be said for
Katana (
Karen Fukuhara), as cool as it is to see this character on screen
she just doesn’t really help the plot either.
The Verdict: Suicide Squad is exactly what you think
it is. Full of action, humor, and a few cameos, this film delivers a fun and
engaging film that doesn’t need to cure cancer. It is yet another cog in the DC
wheel and maybe we DC fans just need to be patient. This isn’t Marvel and I
think that maybe we need to remember that when we see these DC films. They are
trying to do something different, but the same. I don’t think anyone had the
type of expectations for
Iron Man in
2008 as we do now. That was a surprise hit and now due to the ever changing
landscape of comic book movies our expectations for greatness is hurting DC.
This movie sets up a few Bat-Villains and intriguing characters to be used in
other DC films. Good luck DC, stop letting Warner Bros. step in and let Geoff
Johns take control.
See in Theaters
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